Getting the question about what to do whenever you are not able to get to a home, go on vacation and or your hotel doesn't have a gym.
I picked a few exercises that would work well with each other in order to hit the full body. You can think of a few more like tricep chair dips and elevated push-ups from a bed, etc... The point is to keep moving even though you may not have the resistance of weights handy but you do have the weight of your body to utilize.
Here are some full-body movements that l can suggest to hit while not having access to a gym facility.
1). Push-ups: -Chest, triceps
2). Squat Jump: -Quads, calves and glutes
3). Planks:- Core, abdominals
4). Glute Bridge:- Core, glutes
5). Standing Calf:- Calves
Honourable mention: Pul/Chin Ups (biceps), if you can I carry a bar to fasten onto a doorway.
Hope it helps!
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